Comments Posted By Allyson Whitey
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I am not sure we can prove this but many people in Chicago say it's the dirty secret about Barack Hussein Obama. IT is TRUE!!!! SEND TO EVERYBODY YOU KNOW! - allyson

1.) FIVE African American women in Barack Hussein Obama's church Trinity run by his white-hating racist preacher friends have told three independent people that Barack Hussein Obama SLEEPS with MEN in the church but he is on the "down low" which I am not sure what that means but some kid told me means he is always on top with men.

2.) Father Michael Pfleger - that socialist extreme white-hating Catholic priest who should be excommunicated by Catholics - is Barack Hussein Obama's LOVER for a long time.

That explains why Pfleger was on phone with Jeremiah Wright and B. Hussein Obama (Ann Coulter calls him that) when Obama was embarrassed cuz of what Jeremiah Wright was saying in Washington, D.C. in April. Pfleger brags to all the Chicago news people that he's the go-between for Reverend Wright and Obama and on the phone with both of them all the time to try to make peace with them.

Pfleger and Obama are tight as ticks. But since Obama is on the "down low" I guess that means he always gets to be on top! Ha!

Barack Hussein Obama is a homosexual but he must have mounted Michelle His Bitchy Belle at least twice to make children, if they are his. We have rumors about that too, that she does it with a black man in Trinity to make the

Maybe since Jeremiah Wright likes to do the women in his church, behind their husband's backs, he did it with Michelle too?

Everybody says not sure to believe Larry Sinclair who says he gave B. Hussein Obama a 'B.J.' in back seat of a limo but he swears his limo driver saw it happen and that Obama did crack cocaine and Sinclair did cocaine.

Believe me or not but we know it is the gospel truth. I put my hand on my grandfather's Bible and tell you it is so.

Comment Posted By Allyson Whitey On 1.06.2008 @ 20:44

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